
Monday, March 15, 2010

Scant Postings

Life is not so much about the destination as it is the journeyLife Has Been Sniffly and postings have been scanty bear with me.
The ground is starting to thaw and i should be able to  get some stuff started inside. It looks like I won't be moving for another year , but at the end of the harvest season I should have enough money to go Somewhere. Where ? Only the wind knows. Only the wind knows where the gypsy tree will go next.

I don't want to move , but circumstances are sometimes out of my hands. The days have warmed and the tractor should come soon to plow the rows. I have found a sprinkler system that should work . I am  tired yes. Very disappointed indeed. My heart is somewhat icy and all i can focus on is my children. I have a year here , and I will do all I can to enjoy myself because that is what life is for. I shall not dwell on sadness. It is unbecoming.

The change of season has for some reason left me ill. My ears are unwell and the boy has brought home some type of illness that hit my ears nose and throat for sure.

1 comment:

  1. We've had illness at our home, too. Seamus ended up in the hospital for a couple of days. I hadn't updated my blog since the 8th! Spring is here, I'm aching to get into the garden but here in Ohio we have to wait. I hope to get a ton of seed started this weekend. I hope you feel better soon!



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